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2180 KM Out of the Comfort Zone

Solo Trip: A Rebirth, A Journey of Solitude.

After I experienced my rebirth a few years ago, I was always itching to rediscover myself. The real me. Who am I when I scrap away certain identities that I have created? Who am I if I am no longer a corporate trainer? Who am I if I am no longer an entrepreneur? Who am I if I remove my identity as a mother? As a daughter? As a sister? As a friend? Who is the real Sri?

I think some of us can relate to this, and some of us can't. I'm speaking to those who can relate to this.

Sometimes we need to get on a journey... a journey of self-discovery, an adventure, by yourself. In that moments of solitude is when you learn most about yourself. ​Some people meditate, some people work... I wanted to try something new, something I never did over the last 28 years, I mean sorry, 38 years.

I was blessed to be able to get on a journey like this last month. 25-28 July 2019. A trip laden with a little fear, anxiety, guilt, excitement... a whole barrage of emotions and yet, I emerged stronger, more in control, ready to take on the world.

My trip started with a near 18 hour train ride from Yangon to Mandalay, and spent a couple of days in the beautiful cultural city of Myanmar. Here's my journey...

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